Andy Warhol X Apply
Curated sticker packs, printed on premium vinyl, sized as statement pieces for your everyday objects like phones, notebooks, and more.
Andy Warhol's Last Supper:
It wasn't until after Warhol died that his religiosity became apparent. Looking back on the last decade of his life, evidence of his secretive spirituality as a devout Catholic can be inferred in a large final series of paintings and works in paper that refernce Leonardo da Vinci's The last Supper (1495-1498). Working from cheap 19th and 20th c. reproductions of the original, Warhol produced nearly 100 variations of tis saced renaissance painting. Many of these works were exhibited in Milan, in 1987, across the street from Leonardo's original.
This sticker sheet is composed of four separate works from Warhol's 1986 The Last Supper series. The Last Supper, 1986, Screenprint and colored graphic art paper collage on paper.