Accompanying the first monographic museum exhibition of his life and work, this catalogue situates Peter Muller-Munk (1904–1967), a German-American émigré, as one of the most influential designers of his generation. It presents the untold story of his meteoric rise as a silversmith of luxury objects in New York, to a professorship in the first industrial design baccalaureate program in America at the Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh, to his establishment of a prominent American design consultancy: Peter Muller-Munk Associates (PMMA). Alongside Muller-Munk’s well-known Normandie Pitcher and the Waring Blendor are his revelatory designs for products such as cameras, radios, power tools, and refrigerators, as well as total environments for gas stations, international expositions, and mass-transit vehicles, for prestigious clients that included Bell & Howell, Westinghouse, US Steel, Texaco, and Schick.
2015; hardcover; 9 × 11 inches; 208 pages with 171 illustrations