North South East West: American Indians & The Natural World (Hardcover)
In 1998 the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh opened the Alcoa Foundation Hall of American Indians. This catalog of the opening exhibit represents "five different visions of living in and with the natural world?those of the Hopi, Lakota, Tlingit, Iroquois, and urban Indians." Unlike some museum catalogs, this one includes significant descriptive text along with beautiful photographs that provide historical and cultural context for the art and other artifacts. Each section contains quotations from contemporary members of the represented groups, clarifying the continuity between traditional and contemporary life. The author is associate curator of anthropology at the Carnegie Museum, project director of the hall, and an expert in the field of Native American arts. Recommended for academic libraries with anthropology and museum catalog collections.?Faye Powell, Portland State Univ. Lib., OR
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